Worship Unfolded

Worship Unfolded

Welcome to Worship Unfolded, where we are devoted to sharing the love of Jesus Christ with everyone.


What is Worship Unfolded ?

Our mission is to encourage, connect, and uplift one another as we worship and grow in faith together. Join us each week for inspiring worship sessions, and moments that draw us closer to God. Be part of our community as worship and celebrate the joy of walking in His light. Subscribe and experience the unfolding journey of faith and worship!

Feel free to reach out to our team for any Prayer Requests:  WorshipUnfolded@gmail.com

John 4:23 (NIV) "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks."

Sign up! Morning Bible Readings

Start your day with God! Each morning, we share devotional passages to inspire and encourage you in your walk with Christ. Join us as we seek to grow in faith and walk in the Spirit daily.

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"This has me in tears. Like actually crying. So beautiful. I'm def going to listen to this about a trillion times. Thank you so much for sharing. Also, you have a beautiful voice. He definitely picked you. I could feel the Spirit so strongly that it moved me to tears. Source: been studying and practicing both music and my faith for my whole life. Thank you thank you. Please don't stop 🙏🙏"

"I can remember the choir/band doing this song at church during the Wednesday contemporary service when I was Christian."

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